Südosteuropa Mitteilungen is the leading bi-monthly German-language journal on politics, culture, economics, and society of south-eastern Europe. We are happy to announce publication of an article titled ‘Bilder von Frieden und Krieg betrachten – Die visuelle Darstellung von Bosnien und Herzegowina’ / ‘Looking at War and Peace – The Visual Representation of Bosnia and Herzegovina’ (Vol. 62, No. 2, pp. 7–20).
In the article, we develop a typology of alternative forms of photographic representation developed in Bosnia-Herzegovina during and after the wars in the former Yugoslavia in response to the crisis in photojournalism.
As the editorial puts it, we describe how these wars generated completely new forms to visualize human suffering and violence and how the emerging new photographies affect our perception of current international conflicts. We discuss forensic photography, aftermath photography, post-conflict and peace photography as well as participatory photographic projects before zooming in on one specific photojournalistic project – Gilles Peress’ and Fred Ritchin’s Bosnia: Uncertain Paths to Peace – which integrated selected aspects of the new photographies into a new photojournalistic vocabulary.